Parallel Session 1.1

Revitalizing PHC – Astana and Beyond

31 January 2020

15:30 - 17:30 hrs.

Background :

In weaving together multisectoral policy and action, empowered people and communities, and primary care services at both the population and individual levels, the PHC envisioned for the 21st century should ensure healthy lives and well-being for all, at all ages, which is to say, the achievement of SDG3.  Collectively, these three components comprise PHC, which the Member States of the World Health Organization agreed to prioritize and reinvigorate as appropriate for the 21st century in Astana, Kazakhstan at the Global Conference on PHC in October 2018.
At the heart of this vision is the people-centered delivery of comprehensive, accessible, affordable and integrated health services, appropriate to local context and including prevention, promotion, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation for all individuals of all ages, regardless of race, gender, religion, language, sexual orientation, disability or other defining characteristic, across the life-course. 

Objectives :

  • To describe and discuss progress toward PHC over the past decade and ongoing challenges.
  • To discuss the relationship between PHC and UHC
  • To describe actions toward PHC transformation under way in 4 countries, and how these contribute to achieving UHC and the SDGs.

