
Learning through partnerships to build stronger health systems to deliver UHC and respond to NCDs - Experience from Mexico, South Africa, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand

Meeting Organizer

Public Health England

UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Contact Person : Tazeem Bhatia,

30 January 2020
09:00 - 12:30 hrs.
Venue : Lotus Suite 7

Open to All Participants


The objective of this session is to demonstrate a sustainable, learning approach to achieve UHC and respond to the growing challenge of NCDs through closer institutional partnerships between countries and peer to peer support. The session will present the evolving evidence and describe how institutional partnerships can be used to strengthen health systems. It will use an example of this existing partnership programme, the Better Health Programme (BHP) to outline the opportunities of this method. Delegates from Mexico, South Africa, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and the UK will describe their progress to improve access to quality services and respond to burden of NCDs and a panel with representation from the donor, multilateral, academic and civil society communities will outline their role in driving better health outcomes. The Global Better Health Programme (BHP) is an overseas development aid programme led by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and technically supported by a consortium of National Health Service (NHS) Executive Agencies of which Public Health England (PHE) is one. The programme works with eight partner countries, namely Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand to respond to the challenge of achieving UHC. Working through a Non-Communicable Diseases lens, the programme seeks to progress implementation of prevention polices, improve the quality and access to healthcare services, strengthen workforce training and research using digital modalities as an enabler in part by developing institutional health partnerships. This is part of the UK Prosperity Fund whose purpose is to facilitate inclusive economic growth and create new opportunities. This programme contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 3 ‘Good Health and Well-being for People’, Goal 8 ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth’ and Goal 17 ‘partnerships to achieve the goals’.


The objective of this session is to demonstrate a sustainable, learning approach to achieve UHC through closer institutional partnerships between countries and peer to peer support.