
Human Resource Development for Health toward establishing UHC

Meeting Organizer

National Center for Global Health and Medicine

Contact Person : Hidechika Akashi,

29 January 2020
14:00 - 17:30 hrs.
Venue : Lotus Suite 1

Open to All Participants


The Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting on Universal health coverage has consolidated commitment towards UHC and reaffirmed that health is central to the 2030 sustainable development agenda. It recognizes that building and retaining a competent health workforce is an important element of strong and resilient health systems. Countries such as Japan, Republic of Korea and Thailand have done so through continued investments in building an effective and socially accountable health workforce.


We will focus on the key health workforce policy objectives and strategies implemented in these countries, to examine identified lessons and implications for other countries that want to accelerate efforts towards the achievement of UHC.