
What the public wants: Quality at the forefront in Cambodia’s journey to UHC by 2030

Meeting Organizer


Nilufar Rakhmanova

Contact Person : Nilufar Rakhmanova,

28 January 2020
14:00 - 17:30 hrs.
Venue : Lotus Suite 13

Open to All Participants


The Royal Government of Cambodia's Ministry of Health, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), FHI 360, the World Health Organization (WHO), and Health Equity and Quality Improvement Project partners (World Bank, DFAT, German KfW and KOICA) invite you to learn about Cambodia’s journey to Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Cambodia has made significant progress in achieving UHC, particularly through user fees and social safety net schemes, which are critical for helping citizens to avoid health-related poverty. However, achieving UHC also requires improving the quality of services. In Cambodia, this entails involving the general public to ensure services meet their expectations and the private sector since this sector is often the public’s first point of care, setting up accreditation system and a culture of continuous quality improvement. Please join us to learn about our innovative efforts to address quality of health services at both public and private facilities and to bring clients’ perspectives to the forefront of quality improvement.


1. Recognize the importance of ensuring high quality health services to achieving UHC 2. Understand the current status of the RGC health system’s progress towards UHC 3. Learn innovative solutions being applied in Cambodia to create quality of care for UHC by engaging clients and the private sector 4. Have considered how new approaches can be applied in other settings