In the context of increased burden from NCD, there is a need for increased effective coverage of interventions in particular the best buys, and fully funded with strong implementation capacities. Health PromotionPrevention and disease prevention will minimize the incidence or slow down the progression of clinical conditions which requires high cost curative services and rehabilitation services. Conventionally, UHC scheme aimsrequires that all people receive the essential and comprehensive health services. Though there are some elements of health promotion and disease prevention in UHC scheme but they are still services-based approaches such as providing vaccination, maternal and child health, and diseases screening and scanning services etc. Ottawa charter includes 5 main strategies for Health promotion, and health services and UHC is just one of them. There are still other four to be addressed. tTherefore, health promotion should focus on should be addressed under population-based intervention and actions to center on keeping people well, largely through promoting healthy behavior and environments, community actions and healthy public policies. Implementing robust, effective evidence-based health promotion programs would improve people's health profoundly and also help ensure the financial sustainability viability of UHC. WHO recognizes population-based health promotion that it includes activities for the community-at-large or for populations at increased risk of negative health outcomes. Health promotion usually addresses behavioral risk factors such as tobacco use, obesity, diet and physical inactivity, as well as the areas of mental health, injury prevention, drug abuse control, alcohol control, health behavior related to HIV, and sexual health. Therefore, it is essential to form a body or platform to responsibility on promoting population-based health promotion through the life course to help empowering UHC.
The main challenge is whether the UHC movement will mobilize limited resources and political attention away from overall health promotion activities and how to prevent that and at the same time promote more health promotion activities both population and health services based?