
From UHC Political Commitments to Reality Ensuring Accountability for Progress, Ensuring Accountability for Equity

Meeting Organizer

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria,

Expertise France / Initiative 5 %


Contact Person : Kate Thomson,

28 January 2020
14:00 - 17:30 hrs.
Venue : Lotus Suite 10

Open to All Participants


II. Duration: 4 hours III. Proposed Format: Part 1 (1 hours) Opening and presentations, Q & A on UHC and Country Cases Part 2 (1.5 hours) A. Presentations on the UN Political Declaration on UHC and WHO plans towards accountability and implementation B. Panel and Q&A on the UN Political Declaration analysis and key stakeholder plans to ensure accountability and implementation Part 3 (1 hour) Country, regional, and global roadmap planning for stakeholder partnerships and work on post-UHC HLM accountability in development and implementation of UHC strategies and policies Part 4 (30 minutes) Synthesis, closing Participants: Open to all, with prior registration Moderators: TBC


I. Overview and objectives: On 23rd September 2019, UN Member States adopted the Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) at the first ever UN UHC High-Level Meeting (HLM) - a key juncture in global health developments. In years preceding the UHC HLM, the Global Fund supported dialogues and consultations with and stakeholder partners to help ensure UHC policies and implementation frameworks are people-centered, human rights based and gender responsive. Particularly at the 2017 and 2018 PMACs, the Global Fund partnered on UHC side events with the Asia-Pacific civil society network, APCASO, to take stock of challenges and lessons learned from countries implementing UHC. Around the same period, it has also supported regional civil society convenings that aimed to define UHC parameters that would truly be inclusive of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities including those affected by HIV, TB, and malaria as well as wider health conditions. At the 2020 PMAC, the Global Fund together with APCASO, the French 5% Initiative, a government partner (TBC) and a broad range of development partners will aim to advance multi-stakeholder discourse on UHC, particularly to share individual plans and seek consensus around collective stakeholder efforts needed to ensure effective and equitable realization of government commitments to UHC post the 2019 UHC HLM. Specifically, the side event will aim to: 1. Revisit the UHC framework – history, intent, key features 2. Feature Thailand and at least 1 more country’s experience in expanding the UHC cube (people, costs, interventions covered) inclusive of the most marginalized and vulnerable communities 3. Present an overview of the UHC Political Declaration, analyzed from the lens of equity, ‘leaving no-one behind’ and ‘the UHC that we want’ statement developed by community and civil society 4. Discuss and reflect on post UHC HLM operational or accountability plans and/or activities developed, proposed or envisioned by WHO, the Global Fund, communities and civil society, and other stakeholders 5. Outline the partnerships needed (including with communities and civil society) to ensure accountability for equitable progress towards UHC, and clarify roles and expectations of diverse partners to ensure success