Ruth Lopert


LWC Health


Dr Ruth Lopert is a public health physician and consultant in global health, pharmaceutical regulation and policy, and health technology assessment (HTA). She is a chercheur associé principal at the University of Strasbourg, France, and an adjunct professor in the Department of Health Policy & Management at George Washington University in Washington DC, where she held a Visiting Professorship in 2011-12 and a Harkness Fellowship in Health Policy in 2006-07. From 2008-11 Ruth was the chief medical officer in the Australian drug and therapeutics regulatory agency, the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Previously she established and directed the Pharmaceutical Policy unit in the Australian Department of Health, and in 2003-04 was principal negotiator of the pharmaceutical provisions of the Australia US Free Trade Agreement. Ruth’s research interests include medicine and therapeutics regulation; pharmaceutical policy, pricing and access; HTA; and issues at the intersections of trade, intellectual property, and access to medicines.
1 FEB, 2020 15:30-17-30 hrs. PS 3.5 Making Global Trade Policies Work for UHC