John Wong

President, Founder



Dr. John Q. Wong obtained his degree in medicine from the University of the Philippines in 1985, and his Master Science in Epidemiology from the same institution in 1999. He has had over thirty years of experience in epidemiology, biostatistics, health financing, community health, program management and evaluation, and Philippine health system management. He has worked with various local and international health organizations, including the Department of Health, The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC) and Department of Health (DOH), Management Sciences for Health, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID, World Bank, UNICEF, and ADB among others. Dr. Wong’s projects over the past 20 years has been holistically providing evidence-based recommendations to all six building blocks of the health system. For health care financing, Dr. Wong had given technical expertise in developing benefit packages like the Primary Care Benefit Package. He is likewise known as one of the personalities for Health Technologies Assessment, collaborating with the DOH HTA unit. One of his noteworthy projects on leadership and governance included assessing hospital performances. His current project includes HRH2030 to assess the implementation of the national deployment program. For information and research, Dr Wong had recently worked with HPDPB to develop an online platform for DOH Administrative Orders and worked towards providing omnibus policies for all life stages. In terms of service delivery, Dr Wong has already provided substantial amount of research in this building block but his current project on health literacy and promotion must be noted. All of his projects, past and present, are aimed towards providing a better health system for the Philippines. In 2016, Dr. Wong won the Roux Prize, awarded by the Institute for Health Metrics of the University of Washington (IHME), the third awardee ever and the first Filipino to do so. The Roux Prize recognizes work in using health data for making innovation in change in local health systems. Dr Wong accomplished this with his use of the IHME’s Burden of Disease data in identifying the top 48 diseases that comprise 80% of the Philippines’ burden of disease, setting an unprecedented guide for future priority setting for national and local health programs. Currently, Dr. Wong is part of the Formulary Executive Council of DOH and is part of the Technical Working Group for the implementation of the Philippine Universal Health Care Law. He is also a co-founder and current president of EpiMetrics, a public health research firm, where he continues to work with DOH, IHME, and USAID among others, in changing the health system, while training and working with new researchers for public health.
1 FEB, 2020 15:30-17-30 hrs. PS 3.2 Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health: Opportunities and Risks