Mr. Abugnaba-Abanga is currently a PHD. candidate in Environmental Management and Sustainability with a Research interest in Climate Smart Health Care. He is a Health and Development/ project management professional with 18 years’ experience in health governance/Social accountability, Maternal Health, SRHR for young people and community health systems. He has additional expertise in Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (PMEL), Policy Influencing, and Inclusion.
Mr. Abugnaba-Abanga has about two decades of experience working with government, academic institutions, civil society organizations and communities in Ghana. He has managed donor funded projects in Maternal and Child Health , SRHR for young people, Women Economic & Social Empowerment, Technology for Maternal Health, Infant and Young Child Nutrition, hygiene, governance, and anti-corruption.
Mr. Abugnaba-Abanga has led a number of policy influencing agendas in Ghana, notable among are “Integrating Comprehensive Sexuality Education into school curricula” and the” Removal of hidden cost to Maternal Health Services”.He has served on the board of a number of Ghanaian NGOs and was a member of the Global Steering Council of the Peoples Health Movement(PHM) between 2012 and 2014.
Mr. Abugnaba-Abanga has participated and presented papers in a number of international conferences in areas of maternal health, young people’s SRHR, Water and Sanitation, health financing, community health systems and has number of publications in international and peer review journals. He is an employee of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana Health Services with a schedule of business development and partnerships.