Anders Nordstrom

Ambassador of global health

Swedish MFA


Dr Anders Nordström is the Swedish Ambassador for Global Health at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Stockholm. Medical doctor from the Karolinska Institute. He worked for WHO as ADG for General Management, Health Systems and Services and as Acting Director-General and as the Head of the WHO Country Office in Sierra Leone. He has served as Director-General for the Swedish International Agency for Development Cooperation (Sida). As the Interim Executive Director, he established the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria as a legal entity. He has served as board member of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, GAVI, UNAIDS and PMNCH.
31 Jan, 2020 11:00-12-30 hrs. PL0 Accelerating Progress towards Universal Health Coverage
1 FEB, 2020 15:30-17-30 hrs. PS 3.1 Tackling Climate Change while Maximizing Health Impact